Monday, October 29, 2007

"Another Glass Wing Butterfly" another Nicaraguan bug I found on flickr

Another Glass Wing Butterfly, originally uploaded by sam_samantha.

I was also able to find this exquisite example of the bugs found in Nicaragua.

Somebody else's bug from Tamarindo, Costa Rica

IMG_5093, originally uploaded by dreadnought+.

Here's an example of a public photo of a bug that I found by searching flickr. I was able to insert this photo directly from flickr, as well as the text I am writing now, cool!

My flickr photo map

preying mantis

preying mantis, originally uploaded by fionnualaross.

deceased beetle

deceased beetle, originally uploaded by fionnualaross.

giant flying beetle

giant flying beetle, originally uploaded by fionnualaross.

beetle tummy

beetle tummy, originally uploaded by fionnualaross.